Culture of Peace to drive social change

Coherent sponsorship policy

A coherent sponsorship policy should be enriched and improved technically with rigor and creativity. Today companies receive many requests for sponsorship from different ambits and provenances, and it’s necessary to diversify, select and target potential sponsors as well as having in mind their specialization and requirements in their sponsorship strategies.

First, the main motivation of the sponsoring company is no longer just the contact with the audience and the media coverage that can be achieved, but the direct relationship with the public institution or private organizer of the sponsored topic. Making sponsorship, the sponsoring company has the opportunity to organize a singular meeting, in addition to identified with the promoter or with a specific business sector.

Secondly, the society calls for a company that continues to thinking about their own economic interest, generating wealth and benefit of effective and rentable way. But also should be transparent, ethical, responsible to the environment, in favor of sustainable growth, sensitive to the neediest groups, advocate for social justice, committed to all audiences of their environment and the set of society.

Third, companies have much of the accumulated wealth, great capacities (technological, research, logistical, organizational), and are very necessary to overcome the problems and imbalances that today’s world presents us. For this reason, the highest ranking international institutions like the UN or the EU, NGOs and society as a whole, call for a solidarity behavior of the company.

Consequently, the concept of corporate social responsibility has become a formidable force in the companies in addition to its conventional social function. They assume a voluntary commitment to all its stakeholders, as well as sustainability, ethics and solidarity. This business behavior will result in a better consideration by their different audiences, and therefore better results in its management.

Featured and voluntary initiatives:

United Nations Global Compact_Guide to Corporate Sustainability.

European Commission_Enterprise and Industry_Corporate social responsibility.

Source of information:

Clotas, Pere. El patrocini empresarial.

Post written by Carmen Rafecas.