In Business ethics and CSR, is necessary to differentiate negotiation and dialogue. The two positions are fair and the decision to adopt one or the other is free, not imposed by law, although denote very different ethical positions. The negotiation values the respective interests, and strength that have each one to coerce other. Unlike, the dialogue values the reasons for each one to defender their position, reasons that others can understand and accept in a reasoned manner.
For building a code of business conduct, is essential to consider the legal and economic framework, and the “corporate culture” of the region in which it is operate. From this view, it is highly recommended keeping the Declaration of Human Rights constantly in mind, also in business. Is a reference, moral, supreme, and common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations, which born of consensus in difficult times for humanity development.
On the other hand, there may arise a conflict of interest between companies and some of its stakeholders (employees, suppliers, customers, competitors, public administration, geographic and human environment). Therefore, it must set up mechanisms to resolve such conflicts regularly. The EU promotes the corporate social responsibility understood as economic, social and environmental, which goes beyond legal requirements, providing a fair treatment of stakeholders, dialoguing with them.
Sources of information:
(PDF) Universal Declaration of Human Rights
(PDF) Green Paper_EU
Post written by Carmen Rafecas.